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tv   Nightline  ABC  November 19, 2015 11:37pm-12:06am CST

11:37 pm
>> tonight, inside 40 seconds of terror. "the daily mail" video. diners diving out of the line of fire. one of the miracle survivor stories in that paris cafe. and the first female suicide bomber. what she yelled before setting off h h vest. isis makes its newest and third threat at the u.s. in a matter of days. some of the biggest stars in music shining a light using the power of their melody. to heal heavy hearts. sparking a nationwide conversation about race in america after the tragedies of ferguson, baltimore, and0 charleston. happy 40th! >> it was a family reunion on the set of gma. raising a cup of coffee to toast the show's 40th anniversy. don't stop the party @here. a surprise guest. mr. worldwide himself joining in on the fun. but first the "nightline 5."
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>> but grandma, mommy says we don't have to wipe to get clean because we use charmin ultra soft. gets you clean without the wasteful wadding. it has comfort cushions you can see that are softer and absorbent and you can use up to four types less. enjoy the go with chchmin. >> we're an all-weather family, seven people that need coats. burlington has trends for everybody's tastes. >> i like it. >> and cool. great price.
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seconds. good evening. tonighgh the world was still grappling with the horrors of friday's attacks as new video
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captures the moment terror struck in one paris cafe. new details about the so-called mastermind behind the terror attacks. investigators scrambling to understand how europe's first female suicide bomber was radicalized. all white the threats here at home take an alarming turn. a new messagerom isis promising to turn the white house "black with fire." abc's matt gutman reporting from paris tonight. >> reporter: t tt blast spitting flames and debris from the four-story window. inside, the target of that massive french raid, abdelhamid abaaoud abaaoud. the man france accuses of masterminding the attacks shattering paris last friday. detonating that suicide vest, a relative, 26-year-old hasna, europe's first female suicide bomber. in this audio obtained by abc news s.w.a.t. teams are
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hands in the air. moments later she'd blow herself up. tonight abc news has obtained these exclusive pictures of her. fingers as a pistol. investigators scrambling to understand how she was radicalized. but taking no chances. arresting her mother and brother in a suburb of paris tonight. those attacks last friday pittingpit g hitting france in its solar plexus. this video obtained by shows the moments isis terrorists blasted away at one of those restaurants. a spray of glass. inside patatns ducking under tables. diners outside pot ingbolting. the gunman casually firing bullet after bullet. u see the star hiding behind the bar. the bartender scurries down the stairs.
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while the waitress shields one of the wounded. a woman shot in the arm. >> i believed it was a gang war. >> reporter: one of the few who survived the shooting unharmed. >> i stayed in myeat watching the men start shooting. and i understand that something was really wrong when i saw that he didn't shoot at one man but he s sots against everybody. >> reporter: ralph and his friend were having a drink, seated in the front of the restaurant. >> i bent ov. just when the shooter start to shoottt me, run in the restaurant, then he turn at me. he just shoot at this moment. >> you literally ducked under his bullets? >> yes. >> reporter: he curls up against the bar as the bullets ricochet. the shooter pauses before suddenly jogging up right to the restaurant.
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beneath theetable, appearing to prepare to execute them. when miraculously his gun seems to jam, ending his killing spree. you can see the gunman escapes into a waiting car and speeds off. allowing those two women to flee for their lives. for ralph, seeing the video is difficult. >> makes you feel emotional? >> it't' a very shocking moment. for us it was really real. really hard. releaseing thts vidid right nowow wasn't a good decision. >> reporter: this is one of eight horrific terrorist attacks launched last friday by isis. the body of the alleged mastermind, 27-year-old abdelhamid abaaoud abdelhamid abaaoud, was so badly damaged by bullets and grenades he had to be identified by fingerprints and dna. new details emerging about him tonight. according tohe french interior ministerer since last spring,
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four coordinated terror plots. one was the train aack in france last summer when three americans were creditedd with taking the terrorist down. abaaoud traveled to syria in 2014 where he was able to train and recruit for isis. how radicalization happens is what's most troubling to european leaders. it's a key reason for isis' success, a sophisticated recruit many campaign u ud to lure embattled young people to their cause. >> it's a simple dichotomy, us versus them. they're the enemy, look at what they're doing in muslim lands, look at what they're doing to muslim people, here are the pictures, here of the videos. that creates emotional reaction. >> reporter: sheikh was once a recruiter for islamic extremists in canada. >> we kne they were isolated, we knew they were marginanazed from thehe parents, we knew they would very eagerly and happily join any other peer network,
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peer groups that would make them feel like they belonged. >eporter: after movinin away from radical muslim he works with intelligence agencies and special operations units to expose how the jihadists' recruiting works. >> they mightht get direct messages, then they'll basically add that account into a database where they can start flooding you with pro-isis messages. you u n't escape, sit and watch them over and over. their message starts to resonate and this is how you find recruits. >> reporter:22-year-old canadian damon peermont was killed in syria last year after being recruited to join isis. his mother says it could happen to anyone. >> they seemed to colleleively surround that person, enjoy their company, tell them how great they are, how wonderful, give them lots of attention. slowly guide and manipulate their thoughts. >> reporter: she says those who have been radicalized do
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>> are they cutting off a bit, pulling back, more private, spending more time alone? same idea you'd look for anybody suffering depression, perhaps. >> reporter: in three videos released this week isis vowed similar attacks in america, one threatening th white house will turn black with fire, allah willing. u.s. officials say they have deteteed no specific threats against the u.s. >> the taxpayers of this country have invested a lot of their money in building a national counter terrorism capability since 9/11. and that has built something very strong. we are not perfect but we are good. counterterrorism is what you pay us to do. tell us what you saw and then go on living your lives while we do our work. >> reporter: for "nightline," i'm matt gutman in paris. >> our thanks to matt. we'll have all the latest developments first thing tomorrow morning on "gma." next, pharell lliams,
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this all-star lineup lending their talent to shine a light on race in america. we're there for the party this mornrng. gma celebrating 40 years. the best of everything is even better during red lobster's ultimate seafood celebration where new seafood combmbations like the new grand seafood feast are stepped up, spiffed up, jazzed up... yeah, this stuffed lobster tail handcrafted brown butter scampi, and jumbo hand-battered shrimp are that good. or try the new ultimate wood-grillll feast. that bourbon brown sugar glaze gets ya preeetty fired up. with new dishes like these, why wait to celebrate? but just like this time of year, this is too good to last. so hurry in.
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we're going on a musical journey with some of the biggest names out there. including alicia keys, pharell williams williams, bruce springsteen, john legend. an all-star cast shining a light on the`race conversation in america. while it's challllging in the wake of the tragedies that have brushed our nation recently, we're reminded music can break down barriers. >> reporter: some of the biggest artists hope their talent can, for these a night, smooth over the color lines so we the people can have a conversation about race. i'm powerful i'm beautiful >> reporter: it's part of a three-hour special, shining a light, airing friday night at 8:00 p.m. eastern on a&e. one stop on a three-city tour.
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took alicia keys to my hometown, baltimore. with the death of an unarmed black man while in police custody, freddie gray sparked unrest and anger. >> do you think k e police of your friend or enemy if. >> enemy. >> enemy. >> reporter: one woman recognized her 16-year-old sln masked and wielding a rock. >> my son wasn't going to be another freddie gray. >> what are you afraid of? the police? >> the police. i can send michael to the store and he can get shot. you don't know if he's going to come back. >> reporr: in the kids' safe zone in one of the roughest neighborhoods in baltimore, a call to striviv for something better takes on a particular urgency. >> hi. can i come sit with y'all?
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things that go on in all of our neighborhoods. what about one of the tough parts of your neighborhood? >> v vlence. killing. >> stab people in the head. >> what'd you say? >> stabbing people in the head. >> oh. pain to the world >> reporter: from baltimore to ferguson. npr's michele norris and john legend traveled to ferguson, missouri, where michael brown's mother recalls the day her unarmed son was shot dead by white police officer darren wilson, august 9th, 2014. >> every hour of the day he pops in my head where i can't think of anything else. >> reporter: more than a year later, a weathered pile of stuffed animals s sll marks the place where her son died. >> what strikes me standing here is how out in the open we are. there's a lot of people that are seeing what's happening.
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for that long. i think that probably had a lot >> exactly. exactly. >> why do you think it struck people? >> it was just like a scab being pull observed a wound. it was a situation that you see happening over and over and over again. that upset so many people. >> reporter: a grand jury ultimately chose not to indict officer darren wilson for the shooting. we bring that conversation to charleston, south carolina. recording artist pharell o'brien encounter a community still reeling from one of the deadliest attacks on a place of worship in u.s. history. this past june, 21-year-old dylann roof entered the historic mother emanuel church and allegedly opened fire o oa prayer group, killing nine people. >> advising of an active shooter, multiple people down. >> reporter: only three survivors.
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and her 11-year-old granddaughter. >> my son is my hero. >> reporter: her son tywanza died trying to protect them. >> they was a protector. till the end. he was a protector. >> reporter: just two days later, felicia forgave her son's alleged killer. >> may god have mercy on you. >> reporter: we invited community to join us at mother emanuel that night for a town hall. >> this past year has been crazy for south carolina. but as far as the police violence against blacks, you can't even go to church without getting shot. you think, wow, i could be mext. >> reporter: a call to tox all those across the racial divide. >> i am the descendent of slave owners on both my parents' side. so i have slavery seeped inside of me. when i see people who have
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i know that is on my shoulders. i want every white person to stand up and help m m to share in that burden and admit, we are the problem. >> reporter: back in baltimore alicia and i are driving through streets of my childhood. >> one-third of the people who have been incarcerated are currently incarcerated, one-third of the populatiti. >> crazy. it steals childhood, it steals dreams, your adulthood, it sets you back. >> reporter: children of incarcerated parents are seven times moree likely to end up behind bars, something felicia new pearson know is personally. >> this is my house right here. 05. they just put the boards up three years ago. >> reporter: she starred as a ruthless hit woman in "the wire."
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>> are you contracting? doing work around the house? >> we work all over. >> reporter: snoop says she was born addicted to crac to parents who were both incarcerated at the time of her birth. at 14 she was sentenced to eight years in adult prison for second-degree murder. >> at that time when i was young and i didn't know no better, i didn't care about mylf. i didn't care what i did. >> reporter: she says the violence depicted on "the wire" was much more reality than fiction. the onscreen backdrops almost distinguishable from the streets we walked ourselves. how pupil on this blocko you think did time in prison? >> when i was growing up? hike like five. there's not a lot of choices. i'm from baltimore city. if i didn't have a choice to get on tv and be an actress i'd probably still be right here. >> reporter: these were not easy convnvsations. guilt. anger on both sides. the facts are the divide between
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black and white in america are deepening. the truth is, good and decent pewple are desperately working to build a bridge. pn is all around >> reporter: be sure to watch the three-hour special friday at 8:00 p.m. on a&e. when we come back, a toast to 40 years of "good morning america." phil! oh no... (under his breath) hey man! hey peter. (unenthusiastic) oh... ha ha ha! joanne? is that you? it's me... you don't look a day over 70. am i right? jingle jingle. if@you're peter pan, you stay young forevev. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. you make me feel so young... it's what you do. you,make me feel
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finally tonight, it was a big family reunion here at abc today. all part of gma's 40th birthday bash. dedeite the early wakeup call a special guest got the crowd rocking. my "nightline" coanchor juju chang was right there for all the action. >> reporter: those faces you've woken u u to for years. >> goodd morning. >> good morning, everyone. >> good morning. >> reporter: all back and ready to party. >> it's like a high school or collegereunion on steroids. >> what's up, "nigigline"? >> reporter: a massive homecoming celebrating four decades of "good morning america." >> one direction! >> reporter: capping off a 40-hour nonstop livestream event. safe to say it's a very good momoing on set. >> good morning, america! >> we're so connected. it was, it was a familial kind of relationship. >> i must say everybody always coming out of this program saying it's the best job i ever had.
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>> reporter: our special guest, pitbull. a fireball on stage. the crowd up and moving. even the control room. i'm a fireball >> i is a great party, i'm nice and sweaty. you can't go to a party and not get sweaty. >> reporter: a champagne toast. >> you know you're blessed when family are your friends and friends are family. it's a great gift to know when you are living the time of your life. >> reporter: cheers, gma, to the past and present and another 40 years to come. >> a toast to everyrydy who has been a part of gma these past 40 years. here's to you. >> reporter: for "nightline," i'm juju chang in times square. >> it's been said having a mace to go is a homeme having someone to love is the family. having both is a blessing. thank you for watching. tune into "good morning america" tomorrow morning. as always, we're online 24/4/ on
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